Study with Conservatorio Di Musica Giuseppe Martucci Salerno

Study with Conservatorio Di Musica Giuseppe Martucci Salerno – Are you interested to learn music professionally? If yes, choosing Conservatorio Di Musica Giuseppe Martucci Salero will be a great choice for you. You are free to choose the study program based on your preferences and you have a chance to showcase your musical talent while studying in this school. Are you interested in joining this school? Learn more about it here.
If you are interested in studying here, you are offered four different courses, and you can choose the one based on your needs. Let’s take a look at each level.
• Bachelor’s Degrees
In Bachelor’s Degrees, you are offered with nine different courses you can choose, namely Vocal and Opera Performace, Wind Instruments, Keyboards and Percussion, Musicology and Management of Performing Arts, Jazz, Music Technology, Music Education, and Theory, Analysis, Composition, and Conducting. To get more detail about the programs you like, you can visit the official website, and you will see the courses to the learning outcomes of each study program.
• Master’s Degrees
In Master’s Degrees, you will be offered with ten different study programs, namely Song and Musical Theater, Wind Instruments, Keyboard and Percussion Instruments, Arc and Rope Instruments, Orchestra, Jazz, New Technologies and Musical Languages, Didactics Music, Theory, Analysis, Composition, and Direction, and Musicological, Organizational and Communication Disciplines of the Show. Similar to the previous point, you will get the detail of the course you want to take on the website, such as the syllabus, objective of the course, fee, and others. The most important thing to note here is the admission requirements if you want to take your Master’s degree here.

• Specializing Masters and Specializing Masters (2nd level)
The only Specializing Master they offer is in Neapolitan Song and Language. You can choose two different inter-disciplinary sections here, namely Neapolitan Song, Literature, and Language, and Interpretation and Performance. Each of them has different subjects and meetings you should attend. If you want to take the Specializing Masters here, you need to earn your Bachelor or Master degree in the equivalent field first and go through the interview examination. If you pass the examination, you will be admitted to the school.
The school has around 62 undergraduate departments, 34 postgraduate programs, and two specialising master programs. You can study well here with the assistance of more than 160 teachers, but you can also develop your musical skills, produce and promote the music.